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we celebrate today Wed Mar 26, 2025
Poulios, Sylas

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The present site is an effort by a group of Orthodox Christians living in Thessaloniki, Greece, ecclesiastically belonging to the Church of Greece with Archbishop His Beatitude Hieronymos II.

It is a project compiled and serviced during our free time. We do not have any active bussiness affiliation to any Christian organization but we were baptized to Orthodox Christianity since our birth. We are also very fond of Mount Athos which is the ark of Orthodox Christianity.

According to the Greek Orthodox tradition, every day of the year is dedicated to a Christian Saint or Martyr. When someone is named after one of those Saints, that day becomes their "name day" and, traditionally, is celebrated.

The mentioned dates are of the Gregorian Calendar which is followed globally including Greece. To see a celebration date in the Old Calendar (Julian), subtract 13 days from the dates mentioned here.

The present Greek Orthodox nameday portal includes more than 3800 Greek first (given) names and is the most complete namedays database on the internet today. From these 3800 names :

• 2800 names (750 prime names and 2085 derivatives) have known nameday according to the Greek Orthodox Synaxarium.

• 980 names with non established and thus unknown name day. Please comment using our contact form. Our research is continuing.

Click for more info on our namedays portal.
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